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Oportunidades de pequeñas empresas

Working from Home

¿Qué oportunidad es la correcta?
¿para mi?

Hay varios tipos de oportunidades disponibles para los propietarios de pequeñas empresas. Cada tipo tiene características específicas que es importante entender.


Vuelva a consultar con frecuencia para conocer nuevas oportunidades.

Suscríbase a nuestro boletín para recibir nuevas oportunidades en su bandeja de entrada cada semana.

Aceleradores e incubadoras

Los aceleradores y las incubadoras son programas que brindan a las empresas acceso a mentores, inversores y otro tipo de apoyo que los ayuda a ser estables, autosuficientes y escalables.

Oportunidades para aprender

Como propietario de una pequeña empresa, siempre hay algo más que aprender. Las oportunidades de aprendizaje como talleres, seminarios y capacitaciones enseñan habilidades comerciales que puede utilizar para hacer crecer su negocio.

Creación de capacidad

Las oportunidades de creación de capacidad y asistencia técnica desarrollan la capacidad operativa con apoyo en áreas como marketing, desarrollo web, contabilidad, punto de venta y más.

Oportunidades de venta

Las oportunidades de proveedores locales son una excelente manera de salir a la comunidad y dar a conocer el nombre de su empresa. Las oportunidades pueden incluir tiendas temporales, festivales, ferias y conciertos.

Concursos y Competencias

Durante concursos y competencias comerciales, los empresarios presentan sus conceptos comerciales a un panel de jueces para tener la oportunidad de ganar un premio en efectivo o capital de inversión.

Restringe tu búsqueda

¿Qué oportunidad estás buscando?
Seleccione todos los grupos subrepresentados a los que pertenece el propietario de la empresa

Catalyst Accelerator - Detroit Hacker House


Detroit Hacker House is a group of industry-specific hacker houses designed to get you working on your MVP and startup businesses (tech focused). A 12-week in-person accelerator that aims take your business from an idea or MVP to an investable business. Our program application will identify your needs and curate a tailor-made, all inclusive program to give your founding team and startup the experience, skills and resources to spark your company's exponential growth. Are you ready to work with business growth experts to kickstart your company in a successful direction?


- 18-35 years old
- Have an ambition to learn coding, building a tech company, or learn how to build a tech product.


1. When does the program start and when does it end? A: June 3rd - August 25th, 2024 - Emergence (Demo Day) - September 13th, 2024
2. What does the program consist of? A: 12 weeks of: 1 workshop, 1 peer roundtable, 1:1 coaching, customer discovery, weekly homework/reading for the workshop, 1 keynote + family dinner.
3. What is the housing situation? A: We are finalizing housing details for founders, and our goal is to either subsidize or help you pay $0 for housing.
4. Is there funding? A: Yes, for eligible startups. (TechTown and Ann Arbor - Vetting process)
5. Do I need to have an MVP to apply to the program? A: No, If you want to participate but do not have an MVP, come in with your idea!
6. What if I don't want to start a business, just conduct learn to code? A: That's great, apply!
7. Is this program industry-specific? A: We accept tech ideas/MVPs/businesses
8. Do I have to be in-person to participate? A: This year, yes. You will need to spend the summer living in Detroit, MI.
9. Summer Program: This will not conflict with any schooling.

Max Amount:

Program deadline:

Application deadline:

May 17

Learn More

Fenkell Stormwater Projects - DWSD

The Fenkell Stormwater Projects include Brightmoor Green Infrastructure RFB #508721 (Question deadline May 2 by 2 PM), Bentler/Wetbrook Stormwater RFB #508996 (Question deadline May 3 by 2 PM), Minock Park GSI RFB #518589 (Question deadline May 6 by 4 PM)

Whether or not you were able to attend the pre-bid meetings, this is an important opportunity to ask any outstanding questions you have about the projects prior to the bid deadline.

To submit questions, you can email directly or submit through

To access the solicitations, visit and search the bid number associated with the solicitation.

The Brightmoor Green Infrastructure bid due date is Thursday, May 23 by 2 PM.
The Bentler/Westbrook Stormwater bid due date is Friday, May 24 by 2 PM.
The Minock Park GSI bid due date is Thursday, May 23 by 2 PM.



Max Amount:

Program deadline:

Application deadline:

Learn More

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