الأربعاء، 28 فبراير
Writing a Business Plan - Interactive Webinar
Time & Location
28 فبراير 2024، 9:00 ص – 10:30 ص
About the Event
Please be prepared to share your thoughts via microphone (and webcam if you have one) during this interactive webinar. We'll use large group instruction and small breakout groups with the other webinar attendees to help you on your small business journey.
Join us as we guide you through researching and writing each piece of a successful business plan. This webinar is designed for entrepreneurs who are looking to write a business plan for the first time, or already have a plan they would like to improve.
Note: This webinar does not cover in-depth information on forming a legal entity or taxes. If you would like more education on these topics, please visit to other find webinars, workshops, and on-demand content.https://michigansbdc.org/get-started/training-events/
We will be unable to provide technical assistance for accessing the webinar beginning 30 minutes prior to the start of the webinar.
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