Time & Location
২১ জুন, ২০২৩, ৯:০০ AM – ১০:৩০ AM
About the Event
This 90-minute webinar will include approximately 60 minutes of presentation, with approximately 30 minutes of time throughout the webinar for Q&A.
Do you want to launch or grow your business?
Join us as we guide you through researching and writing each piece of a successful business plan. This webinar is designed for entrepreneurs who are looking to write a business plan for the first time, or already have a plan they would like to improve.
After the webinar, you will receive a copy of the webinar recording, as well as sample business plan templates, and other resources.
Note: This webinar does not cover in-depth information on forming a legal entity or taxes. If you would like more education on these topics, please visit and find webinars, workshops, and on-demand content related to legal entities and other topics.https://michigansbdc.org/get-started/training-events/
• We will be unable to provide technical assistance for accessing the webinar beginning 30 minutes prior to the start of the webinar.
• This webinar will take place using GoToWebinar. If you have not used GoToWebinar before, and/or would like to check the compatibility of your computer/mobile device with GoToWebinar, please visit .https://support.goto.com/webinar/system-check-attendee
• Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested in advance.